So here it is. The final episode of the Couch to 80k Writing Boot Camp. 8 weeks and 48 episodes are now available online for anyone to stream or download for free. It’s a full free writing course with daily 10 minute exercises that cover everything from how to come up with ideas for stories, to creating engaging, original characters, to overcoming self-doubt and negative self-talk, to how to write a novel. I’ve put all my experience as an author and creative writing teacher into it. I think it’s pretty good.
If you’re new and you’d like to try the course, welcome. Start here.
If you’ve worked through the course and you’d like to show your support, the best way is to buy my novel, THE HONOURS.
If you’ve already got it and you’re getting value out of the podcast, you can drop me a few bucks to help me keep the lights on, here.