Hey dear ones, just a quick post to say that I’ve got rid of my mailing list. I was only sending mailouts sporadically, and it was an awkward mishmash of my poetry audiences and podcast listeners. Added to that, the open rate had dropped from around 60% to about 10% – so it was the … Read more

Hey there my dear, loyal friends. So if you read this blog you probably know that I’m off on a pilgrimage round dead poets’ graves for the next fortnight. The link there takes you to our tour route, including shows we’re doing along the way. Do tweet or email us if you fancy us making … Read more

After several years blogging hiatus, I’m ready to come in from the cold. I miss it, you guys. Twitter’s okay for the occasional cathartic brainfart, but I want something a little more substantial. Still idiotic as hell, but idiotic in a meaty, resonant way. So I’m back. And here’s how it’s going to go down. … Read more