Hey friends – here’s the latest episode of my Couch to 80k Writing Boot Camp. I hope you had a happy and relaxing festive period, or if not that you at least survived it. I’m looking forward to finishing up the boot camp – then it’ll be completed, done, just existing as a resource that … Read more

I recorded a sprawling and impassioned motivational episode of Death Of 1000 Cuts today, for anyone who wants to write more fiction in 2018. I talk about writing resolutions and why most of them are rubbish, what studies into motivation have shown us works, all the great short and long term reasons why you – … Read more

Oof! Another dose of daily motivation and focused training hits you in the gut like a push-passed American football. But you catch it. And you undo the laces and inside is the small jade statuette you need to unlock the door to your grandfather’s vault. Well done. You’re almost there.

Wow! We’ve started Week 7. Once you reach this point, you’re three-quarters of the way through the boot camp, and the end is in sight. So these last two weeks are all about setting you up so you have everything you need to turn the positive habits you’ve practised and the skills you’ve been working … Read more

Here’s one of my periodic longer episodes where I talk more broadly about fiction writing, and my thoughts that have come up over recording the course so far. In this episode I drill into the problem of setbacks in our writing, and how to deal with them. If you’d like to try the 8 week … Read more

And there you have it. Another week done, dusted, polished, placed under a protective layer of plastic and sealed inside a shipping container for the long, perhaps endless, voyage into history. If you’re new here and you’d like to take part in my 8 week Couch to 80k Writing Boot Camp, ideal for writers of … Read more

Ooh! Another episode. More metaphor-meta-fun as we play madlibs with great works of literature for our personal pleasure and profit. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

And here’s another episode of my 8 week writing course – this week we’re working on metaphors, similes, and transforming language in your fiction.

SORRY for the delay, diligent writing pals. Of course unless you’re following these posts as they go up you probably won’t have noticed the time lag between this post and the last one. I was ill! I came down with fever and a cold simultaneously, and a poorly daughter and wife. We’re all over the … Read more

Here’s Day 2 of Week 6. We’re looking at pushing metaphors to their metaphorical limit – and then going farther, just to see what happens when your metaphor density reaches CRITICAL.

Week 6 has started! Eeek! This week it’s all about lyrical language, metaphor, simile, the sound and feel of your writing, and powerful imagery.

Here’s the last day of Week 5, our journey into your writing’s emotional core. If you haven’t listened to any of the course yet, you can start here. I’m only asking you commit to 10 minutes of writing a day, 6 days a week, over an 8 week course. I’ll tell you what to write … Read more

Apologies for being slightly behind with updates. A cold-real life combo set me back slightly, plus these episodes felt like the ones I least wanted to fuck up, so I took my time getting them right. I hope you find the exercises rewarding.

Hey hey hey. Welcome to Week 5 Day 4 of the Couch to 80k Writing Boot Camp. If you’re new and you’d like to join in, click back and start at Week 1 Day 1. Today’s episode discusses unstable early memories.

Here’s the latest episode of my 8 week writing course. Today’s was a tricky one to record – it took me a while to work out what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. If you have a listen you’ll hear why. I hope it’s helpful for you, however you choose … Read more

My 8 week fiction writing boot camp continues. You can start any time from Week 1! I’d love that. Don’t worry, it’s not a race.

Week 5 of my 8 week Couch to 80k fiction writing boot camp starts today! Huzzah. If you don’t know what it’s all about, it’s a course I’m putting out via podcast featuring daily 10 minute creative writing exercises, to take you from wherever you are with your writing, to feeling equipped and ready to … Read more

This one’s going up slightly early because I recorded a bunch in anticipation of an impending cold which has now hit me like a frying pan to the chops. Bleugh! But look – we’re halfway through. Half-flipping-way! Can you tell I’m excited? Already there are 4 weeks of daily, gradually escalating exercises to take someone … Read more

Here’s Week 4 Day 5. If you don’t know what this is all about, listen to Week 1 Day 1, or Episode 1 of Season 2 of Death Of 1000 Cuts to get started.

Ooh look! More podcasty goodness! We’re nearly halfway. Can you even believe?

Here’s today’s episode of our 8 week writing course. Today we get a bit arty.

Hello! Look at us! We’re already on Week 4 of the 8 week course. We’re getting there. You know, in novel-writing terms, this just-before-the-50% mark is often the hardest bit – you’ve not quite crested the hill but you’ve produced enough to feel a bit exhausted, and you’ve still got more than half the book … Read more

Here’s another ‘bonus’ episode (I use that term loosely!) where I ramble through some more of my thoughts about the ideas we’ve covered so far, expand a bit on this idea of embracing failure as a necessary part of the creative process, and talk about how we’re going to develop the concepts we’ve already established … Read more

And here’s the last of this week’s episodes of Death Of 1000 Cuts. Another week complete! We’re nearly halfway there already. I really appreciate all the people who’ve got in touch to let me know how they’re getting on with the exercises, or who have shared some of their experiences on blogs or Twitter or … Read more

Here’s the latest episode of my 8 week Couch to 80k fiction writing course. If you’d like to join in, begin at the beginning. All I’m asking is 10 minutes of writing from you a day.