Happy 1st o’ May and welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Friends, this blog has been going for almost a year. I can’t believe it. We’ll have to do something cool for the first anniversary. Like maybe I could announce something so exciting that … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. This is a blog for writers, readers, creative people and anyone nosy about how authors make the language-stuff sound real nice. Every week we take the first page of an author’s novel or short story – polished to … Read more

Hello and welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. This is an editing blog for fiction writers, creative people who work with words and nosy readers who want to see how the ugly gubbins under the bonnet does its business. Every Thursday I take the … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. This is a blog about self-editing fiction. If you’ve just started writing or you’ve been hammering away for years, I hope that you’ll find something useful amongst my discussions of how to make bad sentences into slightly less … Read more

Hey friends, and welcome to another Death of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Please share this blog with your friends, tweet about it, post about it on forums and on your website, make general noise. It’s a quick and easy way to spread the word and I … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Sometimes I like to discuss one miniscule element of redrafting fiction, sometimes I interview an author or editor about the editing process, but by far our most popular feature is ‘In The Barber’s Chair’, in which I take … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. If you haven’t been here before, I’m Tim Clare – feel free to show me some love by listening to my album, Jesus Buys Me Cigarettes, on iTunes, or buying my first poetry collection, Pub Stuntman. Death Of … Read more

Salut et welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut a time. If you like this blog, please share it. Tweet about it, click the ‘Like’ button below, etc. It makes a big difference. If you want to submit your work, please read the submission guidelines. This is a … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. This is a blog about self-editing for writers, readers and the nosy. Each week we take an aspiring author’s first page and put it to the knife, to see if we can’t learn something about how sentences and … Read more

Welcome to another Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. First time here? Read the FAQ and submission guidelines. Otherwise, you know what to do, my sweet, sweet soldiers. Read the extract below, exercise your editing muscles by deciding what you like and what you would change, … Read more

Bonsoir and welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. New? Want to submit? Read the submission guidelines and FAQ. As always, read the extract below, evaluate it, then compare your thoughts with mine after ‘The Cuts’. Three Fingers (by Oscar) Eight hours after consuming a … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Not been here before? Want to submit your own work? Please read the submission guidelines and FAQ. Thanks very much to David for this week’s extract, and thank you to everyone who has submitted their work, or who … Read more

Merry February, dear friends, and welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. New here? Want to submit? Please read the submission guidelines. Beware – there’s a long waiting list! As always, read the extract below, decide what you think about it, then compare with my … Read more

Good day to you, noble friend, and welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. If you haven’t been here before or you fancy submitting your first page for a turn In The Barber’s Chair, please read the submission guidelines. As always, this is about developing … Read more

Generation (by Jenny) Lucy shoved through the sea of legs, ignoring her mother’s frantic calls. The people she knocked tutted and muttered under their breaths but she didn’t care; the President was coming. She burst through the front of the throng and straight into a huge soldier dressed from head to toe in black armour. … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. If this is your first time here, do me a massive fave and read the submission guidelines. Always looking for new first pages, although please bear in mind that the waiting list is humungous. If you enjoy this … Read more

Hello, fellow cutters. Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. This is a blog about editing fiction – if you’d like to know how it works, or submit your own work, please read the submission guidelines. There’s currently a lengthy waiting list, so if you … Read more

Welcome to another Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Every week I suggest ways we can make our fiction suck slightly less. Sometimes I write little mini-essays on one specific improvement you can apply to your work, and sometimes I put an aspiring author’s first page … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. This week we’re putting another aspiring author’s first page in the barber’s chair. If you feel your work could do with a similar trim and you’re not afraid of a little honesty then please submit via the ‘Contact … Read more

Welcome back to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Sorry for the brief hiatus – as explained on Monday, a big workload coincided with a heavy cold that knocked me out for two weeks. I also needed some time to work on my own novel, practising … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. I’m running low on first pages, you lovely people. Stop procrastinating, bite the bullet, and send me the first page of your incredible, super-polished, future prize-winning novel or short story. 250 words max, just title and text, via … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Sorry for the delay in getting this week’s post up. I have been editing my own novel, which as you can imagine is a pretty traumatic process. Coming face to face with my own shitty dialogue and improbable … Read more

Welcome to Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. Each week we take a look at the first page of an aspiring author’s novel or short story, and figure out ways to make it better. Good self-editing chops are what writing is all about. Think of this … Read more

Bonsoir, and welcome to another Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. This week, we look at another aspiring author’s first page and take the scissors to it. If you would like me to look at the first page of your novel or short story on this … Read more

Ola! Welcome to (a slightly tardy) Death Of 1000 Cuts – making you an awesome writer, one cut at a time. I am almost completely out of first pages, you guys! I’m firing the flare gun into the night sky. Please put the word out: aspiring authors, send me the first page of your novel … Read more